Friday Favorites!


Today I am doing some virtual organizing. Organizing hard drives and computer space as I gear up for a very busy Fall schedule, much like my Summer schedule. While I was perusing my picture folders I found 5 of my favorite days from our Summer. I am over here reminiscing on the wonderful times we had but wishing cooler weather would grace us soon. How did I end up being a cool weather girl? This humidity is killing me, y'all!

1. An impromptu photo session with these sweet girls cuddled on the bed one summer morning while I was "getting ready" for our day. 

2. Getting together with these ladies. I've known them all since middle school and have been besties ever since. Stef and I have been best buds since Kindergarten... Whoa... we are knocking on thats 25 years folks!

3. Disney World. Need I say more?

4. Sunflowers in Central New York with the cutest bunch of twins I've ever seen!

5. My precious little ladies turned 3 this Summer and I couldn't be more proud of how amazing they are or how incredibly kind they have become. 

Just some random favorites for your Friday since I rarely find myself blogging much these days. 

Happy Friday and Happy Fall, Y'all!


  1. Looks like you had a fun summer! I've been reading your blog since your girls were babies and it's amazing how big they look in these pictures!

    1. Isn't it!? Our babies growing is such a bittersweet experience but we are so thankful for their health. Thank you for following along.


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