St. Louis


A week and a few days after we left our home in CNY we finally arrived in St. Louis. 
We drove from Cincinnati to St. Louis on a Sunday evening, after a long search for our car keys that my guy lost minutes before our departure. 
When we arrived, we stayed at Josh's parent's house. 
They were thrilled to see us!
We quickly got pack and plays set up and the girls transferred from car to beds. 
Sunday was a relaxing day spent visiting with one another. 
The rest of the week was spent having lunch with Grandma, visiting some of Josh's cousins, meeting a real-life turtle then setting it free, doing a final walk-tru on our new house, painting the girls new bedroom in the new house at 9 PM the night before closing, and then finally moving into our new home. 

We were so thankful to Grandma + Grandpa for housing us for a 
few days while we were technically homeless. 
They even baby-proofed the cabinets for us while we were there and brought out some old toys of Josh's and his siblings {all in preparation for being in-town grandparents!}

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