

It's been a while since I last posted. It's been a busy few months for me to say the least...

  In September I drove from New York to Georgia and back, visited most of my Georgia family with the girls and had dinner, drinks or both with many of my friends that are near and dear to me. It was a whirlwind of breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and desserts for me and the Zabies. My guy drove from New York to Georgia, flew to St. Louis and back to Georgia, then flew to New York for a few days only to fly back to St. Louis and then back to Georgia so we could then drive back to New York... whew... are you tired yet? Just thinking about it makes me exhausted all over again. The Zabies are troopers to say the least. We had days where they napped both naps in the car or ate snacks en route to our next destination. Georgia, Atlanta specifically, is much different than Central New York. It takes a minimum of 20-40 minutes to get anywhere, and lets not talk about the possibility of traffic. Traffic = 30 more minutes, at least! The two weeks I was there was crazy... cray, cray, I tell 'ya. I'm thankful to be home but miss my parents terribly...

October was full of playdates and sickness for the Zabies. What started out as a minor cold that took out our whole play group turned into secondary pneumonia for my feisty Kensington and an ear infection for my sweet Quinn. It took a few weeks to recover fully so our days were filled with lots of Doc McStuffins, Sofia the First and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse all while cuddling with sippies of milk on the couch. Halloween was thrown into the mix and we were lucky enough to have a nice evening for trick or treating on our little street.
Our Little Pumpkins on Halloween!

November was a busy, busy month for us. We had several play dates, I had TWO girl's night outings, a friendsgiving dinner, followed by more play dates, my guy traveled to St. Louis for a week, we had traditional Thanksgiving dinner with family from St. Louis and North Carolina joining us and my guy traveled back to St. Louis again ending his ABI class finally bringing us into.....
Friendsgiving group picture


One of my favorite months. The month that holds Christmas and many traditions of both of our families' and now we are gearing up for our own family traditions. We held a huge Christmas party with about 70 people in attendance only one day after Josh returned from a week long business trip to St. Louis. The following day were TWO more christmas parties that filled our days and the list of Christmas parties to come goes on and on!

Whew! What a whirlwind the past four months have been! I can't even believe it's December and that 2014 is coming to an end.

Celebrating our friends...


Over our holiday weekend we celebrated our closest CNY friend's daughters' birthday. Lucy and Clara are turning ONE! They are two weeks younger than the Zabies.
 We love spending our days with them and their Mommy, Liz. 
The party was a lot of fun and summer picnic themed. 
We were thankful for another reason to spend a day with our friends!
 Tomorrow is their actual birthday.  

This is the only picture I got before the party because now my phone memory is full....
How did that happen?

Date with Daddy...


We don't eat out much. We stick to a pretty strict schedule with the Zabies. I truly believe that children are happy and thrive with structure. I'm also pretty picky about what the Zabies eat and where the food comes from. One of our favorite dine-out spots here in CNY is The Retreat. They have great food and service. I love the turkey pretzel roll. Yummy! The Zabies had chicken fingers and veggies. We love dates with Daddy!
Our Sweet Quinn

Our Sweet Kensington

Our go to "snack" while we wait on supper to be served? Veggie Straws! 
We love those things! They are great.
They are non-GMO, Certified Kosher, 0g Trans Fat, 
No artificial colors, flavors or preservatives, 
0mg Cholesterol and vegan! 
A much cheaper alternative to puffs
and it encourages your child to bite using their front teeth. 

Hope you all had a great holiday weekend!
We sure did!

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