When I purchased a Mommy mobile during our family planning stages, the mid-sized SUV won the show, a beautiful Nissan Murano. It was perfect for an adorable addition with room to grow. It would surely last us for several years. What we didn't expect was that we would get two adorable additions at once. I love my car so we have made it work.
We chose the Diono Radian RXTs when the Zabies graduated to a convertible seat. They are known for their steel frame, the ability to fit three across, extended rear-facing and being the one and only seat you have to buy (we purchased after the infant carrier).
There is still room for one of us to sit between them in the backseat.
Having my car organized is imperative when it comes to having twins and all of the stuff that goes along with hauling them around. So I opted for thirty-one utility totes for floor board organization.
Behind one of the girls, I keep DVDs, portable highchairs, magna-doodles, lysol wipes and other miscellaneous items.

Behind the other is our vomit kit {read about it here}.
And our tractor trailer sized stroller is in the back with no remaining room for anything, unless it is piled on top.

There isn't anything special about how I organize my car but, man, do the utility totes really help to reduce the clutter in my car!