Mid-Size SUV Organization


When I purchased a Mommy mobile during our family planning stages, the mid-sized SUV won the show, a beautiful Nissan Murano. It was perfect for an adorable addition with room to grow. It would surely last us for several years. What we didn't expect was that we would get two adorable additions at once. I love my car so we have made it work. 

We chose the Diono Radian RXTs when the Zabies graduated to a convertible seat. They are known for their steel frame, the ability to fit three across, extended rear-facing and being the one and only seat you have to buy (we purchased after the infant carrier).
There is still room for one of us to sit between them in the backseat. 
Having my car organized is imperative when it comes to having twins and all of the stuff that goes along with hauling them around. So I opted for thirty-one utility totes for floor board organization. 
Behind one of the girls, I keep DVDs, portable highchairs, magna-doodles, lysol wipes and other miscellaneous items. 

Behind the other is our vomit kit {read about it here}.

And our tractor trailer sized stroller is in the back with no remaining room for anything, unless it is piled on top. 

There isn't anything special about how I organize my car but, man, do the utility totes really help to reduce the clutter in my car!

Weekend Happenings


Our weekend started on Friday when we had our favorite playdate kiddos over. All of these little ones were born within a few months of one another. They are all sitting in birth order. 

Saturday was spent shopping for Easter clothes, lunch and a quick stop and Dunkin' Donuts with one of my dear friends. I got home just in time to sit down and eat dinner with my family. My guy cooked us a spaghetti dinner. It is one of the Zabies' favorites!

Sunday was a day of getting things done since my guy was getting read to leave town again. It was a pretty normal day of laundry and cleaning. Then we took a selfie to send to our guy before his plane took off.  

Now we are counting down to when he returns! 

Happy Monday y'all!

Missing Nana & Pawpaw


Today we are missing Nana & Pawpaw.
These sweet little ladies loved spending time with their Nana & Pawpaw while in Georgia. 
Yesterday they celebrated 34 years of marriage. 
Happy Anniversary Y'all! 



Yep, you read that right. We sold our house. 

We left on Friday around 2:00 PM to head back to our "home for now" house and pulled into our driveway at 7:00 AM. 
It usually doesn't take quiet as long but we hit some crazy bad traffic. 
When we walked into our house it didn't feel like home. 
It had a new house smell since we had it painted the day before we left for Georgia, so it didn't smell like our home. 
My guy quickly lit a candle to correct that after I tearfully mentioned it not smelling like home. 
We both napped with the Zabies and was woken by our realtor calling us with an offer from a family that had looked at our house twice that week {we only had one other showing other than their's}.
We were so thankful and negotiations moved very quickly, I mean like an auctioneer going back a forth between offers and counter offers. It was a done deal within 30 minutes. 
The kicker... a 30 day closing. 
That is amazing... but I was prepared to have more time since we literally had no showings for almost a month. 
I have been praying that everything happen seamlessly and be an easy transition for our girls and this is the best case scenario, I just wasn't expecting it. 

The next day we made an offer on a beautiful home in a neighborhood that meets the needs of a stay at home twin mama and her family, every one of us. By the end of the day we signed the official contract. We love our soon to be new home and it's location. I can't wait to tell you all about it!
There is a 7 day lag time between closings and we plan to made a long road trip out of our haul to St. Louis from New York visiting Niagara Falls and friends across the northern states. 

And because I can't post a blog without an adorable picture of this duo.
Trying out our buggy bench for the first time and it was wonderful!
Quinn throughly enjoyed checking out all of the goods. 

And that is what our return to CNY looked like. 
Happy Hump Day my friends. 

Update|| Last week in Georgia


Our last week in Georgia was a bittersweet one. We did many fun things including going to the aquarium, having lots of play dates and many suppers with family and friends. It was also the week we were finally reunited with our guy but, sadly, it marked the end of our trip and time to leave our family.
Here are some photos from the week.

Georgia Aquarium Fun

Isn't this the coolest picture!
How sweet are those cousins?

Hand holding fun!
Out for a "see you later" lunch.

A quick play date with my best-friend since Kindergarten's daughter, Evie. 

Things are getting nuts around here and we have only been back a few days. 
Can't wait to see you all about our return to CNY. 

Update|| Week 3 in GA


I know it seems like I fell off the face of the earth but I'm back!  
Quiet honestly, I was so busy and exhausted that I had no energy to blog, ever. 
Week three in Georgia was filled with craziness of visiting family, having family visit us and having meals with as many people as we could include. 
Here are some photos from the third week we spent in Georgia. 

These two have personality for days!

The girls finally started sleeping really well and waking with some serious bed head!

I had a fabulous girls night out with my dearest friends from high school. 
We went to a place called Fish Thyme and Oh My Gosh! The food and sangrias were to die for. 
I really love a unique restaurant. 
Cousin love in an adirondack chair. 

My favorite picture from week 3. 

The girls loved to play outside with their older cousins. 
We had several beautiful days for outside playing!

We enjoyed everyone we got to spend time with and feel so blessed that we had the opportunity to do so. 

inking up with:
 Mommy Moments with Faith

Mingle Monday with Meg

Weekending with B Loved Boston

My Weekend


Because I forgot to post on Tuesday and my week has been crazy busy. 

My weekend started on Friday with an early am flight from Atlanta to St. Louis. 
This sweet guy picked me up from the airport, it was SO good to see, touch and kiss his face. 

I spent the entire day looking at houses and neighborhoods with our realtor {starting at 9 am}. Josh had previously narrowed down the search and I went in for final approvals. When it comes to houses and neighborhood, he and I are spot on. It's like we have the same brain. 
There isn't one thing that we don't see eye to eye on. 
We found a neighborhood that we love and think we would fit perfectly in. 
We can totally see our family living and making a home there.  
There is a pool, tennis courts, play ground, golf course and lots of other kids. 
It's perfect. 
We, of course, found a house that we love but unfortunately it probably won't be available when our house sells. So we will just pray about it and hope for the best since CNY is still a frozen tundra. 
After my crazy busy day, I met up with my hunk again for a happy hour with his new team and got to see this fellow.  

I love the Anheuser Busch Clydesdales. They are such beautiful creatures. 

We later had dinner with my in-laws and some of our friends at one of my favorite Pizza places in St. Louis, Pi Pizzeria. 

Saturday was an early day since I flew out at 7 am back to Georgia. 
Good ole' Starbucks is what got me through my day.

Speaking of Starbucks, it was also my last day of caffeine. I am currently detoxing. 

Then we had our first ponies. How freaking adorable are they?

We had a mid-50 degree day and spent a lot of time outdoors. 

These little ladies love some country living and are really enjoying being at Nana and Pawpaw's house even if they are in the middle of major renovations. 
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