Christmas Pajama Party Play Date...


Yesterday we had our Christmas Play date with the regular crew. We have regular playdates together and always try to catch a picture of them when we can. Usually someone is tired or hungry so getting a photo of them all smiling is pretty difficult. We decided to have a pajama themed Christmas Play Date since babies in jammies are the CUTEST!! Swoon! Everyone wore their Christmas best... even the moms! We had yummy snacks and exchanged gifts. I love our play group and all of the Moms. It is awesome to have such a great group of friends to raise my children with. 

Tyler, Dylan, Kensington, Quinn, Lucy, Clara, & Jack

After the play date one of the moms did a comparison of all of our photos that we have from the beginning but these two are the ones that stood out the most. They are taken almost 1 month, to the day, from one another. Look at how much each of them have grown or look older! Seriously, don't blink! These kids will be in college before we know it!

Merry Christmas from our play group!!

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